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Urgent! Please be aware that there is a fake Skype account with the username “live:.cid.3e77e6efbd3e7d68” (May also use other skype IDs, such as live:.cid.99472a243b32c926). This person is pretending to be a representative of Do not contact this account!

Our team at BonusManiac, is ready to answer your questions, and help you solving problems related to our website.

Please use the form below to contact us. When you submit your text message to us, we will contact you by e-mail as soon as possible. Please note that BonusManiac values and respects your privacy and will use your data only for services purposes and will not share it with third parties.

Please read our Privacy Policy for more information.

Alternatively please contact our manager via skype. Our skype ID: bonusmaniac (Official Account)

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